Kohe Exhibition AAHAR 2023


In our latest step towards spreading the word of Kohe and interacting with people, we organised our own exhibition AAHAR. It was an event of great precision and talent. Our chefs at Kohe joined us for a great learning and informative experience. It was fun and creative meeting people who are interested in the art of cooking food.

Kohe is a brand built with customer’s trust and reliability. We design products which are easy to use and safe. Our range of kitchen products are attractive, stylish and comes with great precision and efficiency.  When you pick Kohe Knives, you choose sharpness, accuracy, and individuality.  Prepare to become the culinary expert you have always wanted to be with a wide variety of knives for all types of cutting, chopping, and slicing usage. Kohe provides a person with shrewd, enduring, and performance-driven kitchen tools thanks to its history of usage, design, and ergonomics experience. Our products help everyday chefs, food aficionados, and aspiring professionals become creative masters of cutting-edge cuisine in addition to serving as every household’s go-to kitchen guru.

A person who knows Art can understand, how important it is to have tools which are easy to use and efficient. In the event, we promoted adapting a healthy lifestyle and eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Many people who joined us displayed their talent of making salads of different style and different varieties. It is always fun to meet people with same interests as of cooking. Living a healthy lifestyle is very important these days, and for doing so you need to know the perfect diet that your body needs. Healthy lifestyle is a habit. We should count memories not calories. Our chefs guided people on how to turn into a healthy lifestyle for happy and disease-  free life. People are from every age group joined the vent and helps us making it a huge success. We are in an era where we are surrounded by packed food items and fast - food items. In order to be healthy and happy, we need to learn to make healthy food on our own. Cooking is an art and it soothes your mind. When you use Kohe products, you are letting your mind free and doing something for your own body and needs.

Our event AAHAR was a huge success because of people who trust us and joined us in this noble venture. We look forward to host more such interesting events soon in the future.